Hailing from Detroit, Billy Lo is a trio of underground producers comprised of vocalist Bill Beaver alias Billy Love - known for his multiple sorties on Sound Signature, Still Music and Moodymann’s Mahogani Music, Darryl Tiggs and Darren Abrams, responsible for the Motor City’s house classic “Loose Piano".
As a group, the Detroiters burrowed their way in the gap between jazz, house and soul, which their sound has participated in heaving up to enraptured, hedonic heights and unheard depths when their EP, “It’s The Life”, hit the streets sometime in 2002. The record was reissued by Cosmocities in 2021 in a whole new configuration, with the lead-track being the only survivor from the original release, this time supplemented by a choice rework from NDATL boss and NYC-born and raised legend Kai Alcé, plus two unreleased gems from the vaults..
Appear on
It's the Life
Vinyle, 12", EP